Who won The Academy’s Pitch Contest?
Jess Carlyle, a youth mentor who works with Shetland-based peer-mentoring organisation, OPEN, has won The Circle Academy’s 2022 Pitch Competition.
Carlyle, 23, was awarded £700 funding that was donated and match-funded by The Circle. Jess presented a three-minute pitch about OPEN’s innovative work with the young people in Shetland’s rural community.
She was one of 12 out of 30 candidates who took part in the pitch competition. This marked the end of The Circle Academy’s 14-week Scottish Government-funded online Social Entrepreneurship programme.
In her presentation, Jessica described how OPEN takes on and trains young people to become ‘peer educators.’ OPEN works to raise awareness and encourages positive lifestyle choices. Issues concerning substance use, relationships, sexual health and mental health.
OPEN is Currently part of Voluntary Action Shetland with Jess as the organisation’s Development Lead. The £700 will help turn OPEN into an independent charity and the funding will support ongoing training for the young people.
“The Academy came at the perfect time for me. It helped me learn more about things like business planning, legal structures and governance. I don’t think I would have thought about business planning at all if I hadn’t joined the Academy.”

“Since 2013, the project has delivered 466 workshops to over 6,000 young people. This has had a massive impact on young people’s abilities to make informed decisions around their health and wellbeing.”
“Jessica was very articulate in what the vision and needs are. The project is an amazing example of how youth projects should be run, with full input from young people in the lead.”
“Once it becomes a charity, this will be a shining example for other areas of Scotland to look at and replicate where possible.”
Eddie Baines from The National Lottery Community Fund, Pitch Panel.