

A statement from Kirsty about COVID-19

Over the last week I have been self-isolating due a stomach bug and some flu like symptoms. I’ve been thinking very carefully about how we should...
How to

Understanding funding for social entrepreneurs

For any business the ultimate goal is to become financially self-sustaining, and one way to achieve this is through investment and fundraising. At The Circle we...
How to

What Is The Circle Academy?

Here at The Circle, we’ve been thinking hard about how to distil down to it’s essence, exactly what The Circle Academy is, and what it can...
How to

The Circle Academy: A Springboard For Social Entrepreneurs

Look at an individual’s drive to create change with innovative ideas and creative solutions, and it’s easy to see why social enterprise in the UK is...

The Circle Academy secures funding for its 2020 cohorts

The Circle has received funding to support the delivery of The Circle Academy to a second cohort of aspiring ‘More Than Profit’ leaders. Funding has been...
Case Studies

“The Circle saved my business” first cohort of social entrepreneurs complete The Circle Academy

The first cohort of social entrepreneurs who completed our ‘More Than Profit’ training programme, The Circle Academy, have taken part in a pitch competition. The Circle...

Kara shares her reflections on 3 weeks of The Circle Academy

Academy Manager, Kara Swankie, has written a blog with her reflections after the first 3 weeks of the first cohort of The Circle Academy. We are...

The Circle welcomes three new Board members

We are delighted to welcome three new non-executive Directors to our Board, Mary Sneddon, Natalie Lafferty and Ron Smith. Mary Sneddon is Manager for Dundee Independent...

Goodbye Nicola! A ‘few’ words on three years spent developing a start-up social enterprise

Our Business Development Officer, Nicola Donnelly, leaves us this week after three years at The Circle. She is moving on to a new role at Carolina...

Why Dundee? Scotland’s only ‘More Than Profit’ training programme launches this month in the City of Discovery

Dundee as a centre for social reform In its recent history, Dundee has seen a transformation of its waterfront, the opening of V&A Dundee, a renovation...
How to

What needs to change for social entrepreneurs and charity leaders to truly make a difference?

An opinion piece by our Founder & CEO, Kirsty Thomson. How often do social entrepreneurs get asked how much money they are really earning? Do we...

Come volunteer at our Community Café – 3 roles available

The Circle Café provides Living Wage employment and training for one year to looked-after young people and care leavers. We run this in partnership with Barnardo’s...