Being recognised for doing a good job is always rewarding. It makes your efforts ( read: screaming internally whenever the bell/phone/door/sanity goes) feel worthwhile! So when we, The Circle, were recognised as “Highly Commended” at the recent prestigious Courier Business Awards it served as a real milestone of just how far we’ve come.
Days fly past at an incredible rate where you’re left scratching your head wondering where the hours have gone. Only in hindsight can we recognise the great work that has been done, and continues to be done by the whole team at The Circle. This award has cemented that thought, by being something tangible in the form of a formal recognition. We can actually look at it and know that we’re going in the right direction. Who knows where that direction will take us next.
The award not only reflects the hard work of Kirsty, Nicola and myself and of course our fantastic board of Directors Euan, Ali, Mike, Jo and Pete. It really belongs to all of us… The volunteers who, day to day keep this place running. Manning the reception, cleaning the corridors, kitchens and toilets. Delivering the mail and just overall bringing life to the building. It also belongs to the remarkable family of tenants we’re so lucky to have here. Without them and the incredible work they do, The Circle just wouldn’t be The Circle. The tremendous combined effort of everyone has paid off, coming full “Circle”. This is exactly what we’ve set out to do, and we’ve proven it – that working together, from individuals to organisations – breeds success.
Looking to the future we want to continue to build on that success. We’re still keen to recruit more volunteers for various roles from marketing to gardening. We’re open to using the building for great ideas to serve the community. We’re also looking to secure more venue bookings for local and national charities, social enterprises as well as corporate businesses – so get in touch!
For enquires about anything please email [email protected] who will direct your query to the relevant people!