What is The Circle Networking?
The Circle Networking is a free and informal networking opportunity for anyone involved with a charity, social enterprise or community group. It runs every quarter and includes short presentations on subjects of interest including funding, social media skills, service design, team building and much more. Future topics will be determined by popular request.
How does The Circle Networking work?
The event lasts around 2 hours and includes short talks from a member of staff from The Circle and 5 guest speakers. This will be a funder, The Circle Academy Alumni, one of The Circle Tenants, a Partner and a Social Media Champion.
When is the Networking?
At the beginning of the event, we ask each attendee to introduce who they are and their role so that people can identify who they might want to speak to after the speaker’s sessions.
Borrowed from the wonderful Creative Dundee’s Pecha Kucha, we have a ‘pass-the-mic’ section allowing attendees to shout about what they have coming up in the coming months.
Following the talks, there will be time for the attendees to network and make new connections and chat with some of the speakers. This is generally a good opportunity for attendees to identify organisations to collaborate with, provide a service or procure a service.
When are the Networking Events?
We have two upcoming events this year;
Dudhope Castle, Barrack Road, Dundee, DD3 6HF – 29.09.22 – 10am – 12pm – book your FREE space here
69-71 Aberdalgie Road, Glasgow, G34 9HJ – 20.10.22 – 10am – 12pm – book your FREE space here
If you haven’t already, remember to sign up to our closed Facebook Networking group, a space filled with over 1000 members. A chance to network online – join The Circle Networking Group here.