New for 2021! The Circle Academy has teamed up with Eden Project and their partners AimHi to offer access to their Climate Course, Climate, Nature and How to Make a Difference. Participants will learn from inside the rainforest in a live and interactive 4-part course, featuring inspiring role models, experts and young change-makers from around the world. Get to grips with key climate concepts in just 4 short lessons and feel empowered to make positive change.
About The Circle Academy
The Circle Academy is a practical and educational training programme for individuals interested in running a ‘More Than Profit’ business. The programme is open to anyone who wants to create positive, social or environmental change in a sustainable and commercially viable way.
The Circle Academy is an SQA accredited training programme for social entrepreneurs which is focused on developing skills, knowledge and entrepreneurial mindset
About AimHi
AimHi exists to make world-class, live learning accessible to everyone. We’re on a mission to transform the global understanding of climate and nature. Nowhere is the education system failing us more than climate and nature. The greatest crisis in history has no magic bullet solutions. Solving it needs world-class education that spans geographies and cultures.
This is what we intend to do.
About Eden Project
There is a planetary emergency. Only by deepening our collective understanding of the interconnections between all living things and seeing them as a whole can we protect the Earth and engender environmental harmony and social equity.
We need to inspire citizenship overconsumption in order to care for this planet, Spaceship Earth, our only home that provides us ‒ and all life ‒ with fresh air, clean water, fertile soil, rich biodiversity, a stable climate and an awesome recycling system. Exploring how it all interconnects can transform our understanding of the world and help us see, how together, our actions can make a difference.
Applications for The Circle Academy are still open with funded places given to people who fit at least one of the criteria below;
- those from or working in rural communities.
- people whose business is in the environmental space.
- young people under 30.