Welcome to The Board!
Today, we are excited to announce the appointment of our new board Non-Executive Director, Angela Rieu-Clarke. We caught up with Angela to find out a little more about her and her aspirations for the role.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, Angela.
I’ve been mentoring and coaching in one form or another for over 25 years. I put my experience to good use when I moved into the technology world joining Waracle in 2015. I play a key role in diversifying the team and scaling the company’s operations. I’m married with two teenage daughters. Assuming they stick to their current paths, a future engineer and a future environmental lawyer (or maybe an actor!).
I’m an advocate for diversifying boards and I’m delighted that The Board of the Circle is ahead of the game in this respect!
Why did you want to become part of The Circle’s board?
I am attracted to The Circle’s Board as I want to be involved in supporting a business that’s community-based with its values but driven to improve the area in which it’s acting beyond being simply self-sustaining or a break-even social enterprise. The Circle wants people to get more from their business ideas; its outlook is truly entrepreneurial and innovative.
What are you most looking forward to in being part of the board?
I’m looking forward to working with a new group of people. Ideas and backgrounds that I’ve not been exposed to before. The collective experience of the board is something like 170 years of gained knowledge and across different sectors – I can’t wait to start learning.
Do you have any goals you want to achieve whilst being part of The Circle’s board?
I’m keen to help to move The Circle forward embedding values and thinking creatively about how to manage the challenges of a hybrid workforce. Especially in an increasingly digital and data-driven world.
Finally – what are your thoughts on Beyonce? It’s a regular debate in the office…
Any strong, independent woman gets my vote 😉
Big thanks to Angela, for taking the time to chat to us.
We are also having to say goodbye to Mary Sneddon who is stepping down from the board after the end of her tenancy at The Circle.
A few words from the Chair of our Board, Donald McPherson.
I’m delighted that Angela has agreed to join the Board of the Circle. Her experience in HR leadership will be invaluable to us as we grow and expand our activities and I’m looking forward to working with her. I’m also grateful to Mary for her contribution as a director over the last three years. Her insights as a tenant of the Circle have helped us to create a community that supports all of our clients.