IoD Scotland has revealed the shortlist for its 2021 Director of the Year Awards. Over 140 entries were received from leaders across Scotland, with 47 directors shortlisted across 12 key categories and seven regional categories and it gives us great pleasure to announce that our founder and CEO, Kirsty Thomson has been shortlisted for three of the awards.
“It is an honour to have been recognised in three of the awards for Director of the Year. I am excited to have been shortlisted for the new category for agility and resilience and after a tough 18 months that everyone has been through, these have been important values to uphold. The team at The Circle have supported me immensely and I thank our board member, Campbell Archibald for the nomination.” Kirsty Thomson, Founder & CEO
“The determination that Kirsty must ensure The Circle not only survives but thrives, is key to our city, and now others. Passionate to assist, support and nurture the many partners, tenants and new starts, The Circle has been at the heart of every decision as well as strategy and the lengths Kirsty and the team strive towards sustainable growth in a challenging market. Vindication is a key part of success, and the 3 categories Kirsty has been nominated for, are a testament to the standards and morals she achieves as a leader. This made it very easy and deserved for me to nominate Kirsty and wish her all the best. Being a finalist alone is an amazing achievement.” Campbell Archibald, Non-Executive Director The Circle
We are thrilled that Kirsty has been shortlisted for the following awards;
IoD Scotland Director of the Year – Agility & Resilience Sponsored by Insights IoD Scotland Director of the Year – Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Sponsored by Scottish Government IoD Scotland Director of the Year – The Fife and Tayside business leaders
Finalists will be announced at this year’s online awards ceremony on the 9th of December where we will be celebrating with The Circle team.
The Institute of Directors (IoD) was founded in 1903 and obtained a Royal Charter in 1906. The IoD is a non-party political organisation with members in the United Kingdom and overseas. Membership includes directors from right across the business spectrum – from media to manufacturing, e-business to the public and voluntary sectors. Members include CEOs of large corporations as well as entrepreneurs and directors of public sector bodies, charities and start-up companies.
The IoD is dedicated to encouraging entrepreneurial activity through good governance and responsible business practice. It provides an effective voice to represent the interests of its members to key opinion-formers at the highest levels.